Eaten Moon, continued

When the dancing platform, which became the floor of the house, was completed and the special food and gifts were prepared, the people waited for the new full moon and the arrival of the guests and the suitor party. Each day the women at the beach or the men out fishing watched the horizon for the Kaw-Seth canoes to appear.

Then on a warm summer’s evening, as the sun set turned the sky and waters orange and pink, word spread that seal hunters spotted the honored guests coming in a group of fifteen large canoes decorated with celebratory cedar branches. The suitor Hayoqwis wore a ceremonial tunic and owl head crest and held a newly carved speaking stick while his uncle and brother and fellow braves paddled into Kwath-killum bay just as the sun disappeared below the horizon, filling the sky with a golden afterglow and illuminating the madrona trees and faces of the village totems lining the beach.

The canoes assembled in a row while the Kaw-Seth chief’s spokesman’s canoe came near to shore to ask for an official welcome from Katee'qwa.

“We come peacefully baring a suitor seeking a bride from the heron clan. We come with gifts for your chief and the mothers of the people. He is Hayoqwis Sea Champion, son of Clo-oose Skilled Carver of the Kaw-Seth. Do we have your permission to present our son for the testing?”

Chief Katee’qwa’s spokesman Lûk'-a-tatt stood on a tall stump and called out, “With the welcome of the Great Spirit and in his life-giving abundance come and visit us, friends and brothers.”

Instantly a group of drummers began beating drums and dancers dressed in bird costumes playing flutes under large bird masks leaped and spun before the crowd. The chief holding his speaking stick and elders standing at the base of the Squawking Crane totem looked on in solemnity. It was getting dark and six large fires now lit the path along the bank of the beach illuminating the circles of people come to welcome the visitors. Everyone talked and laughed while stars began to appear between passing clouds above the water and treetops of the island. Barking dogs and shouting children ran excitedly and old women rushed to make final preparation for the guests.

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